Monday, October 21, 2013

Persiapan Majlis


Critical now. Another 46 days to my big day. I think everything almost done but then, my mum came out with new ideas bout goodies. So there are lot more thing to be done. And  a lot more to pay. *tears*
Then, I just realize that i have to prepare something special for my dayangs during my solemnisation. It a must. They have made their effort to come that day, so i really need to show my appreciation to them. *hugs*
One more thing, goodies for his family, not done yet, but it can't be done now. Must wait until at least a week before the day.

So, now i need to list down all the to-do list:

No 1. Save my money to pay for baju pengantin (RM700 more kot. Thank God pelamin bt sendiri)
No 2. Video (RM1250 for solemnisation and reception)
No 3. Goodies for all ( my mum help me so much on this)
No 4. Bunga telur ( been all these while in my room. Haven't done anything yet)
No 5. Shawl for akad nikah ( few more to do)
No 6. Booking for body treatment
No 7. Clear my room and empty my closet.
No 8. Inai
No 9. Kurus (wajib buat ni!!)
No 10. Search for love songs.
No 11. Hand bouquet
No 12. Bilik pengantin
No 13. Aircond dalam bilik ( Perlu ka???)
No 14. Send the invitation cards.
No 15. Borang permohonan nikah ( ayah dah hantar kot)

Ermm...for this time being, thats all maybe. Will update later if anything changes. Busy with school programme yet taking care of my kitties at home. Wish me luck dear friends.

*hati berdebar memikirkan it's almost there*

Start countdown. 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40...................ting tong....

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