i have a great weekenD..yeayyy~!!!
bukan la sgt2 menarik bg org laen..just an ordinary je kot..
but for me...i really appreciate it..
this weekend i feel so happy..
bukan sbb ada any celebration pon..
ops~!! ada la...southerneast asian market...open market kt tepi laut..
sket je gmbr pon..hahah...but nice~!
~parade by the dancers~

~dengan bangganya bw bendera MALAYSIA~

~good job everyone~

~ada unsur2 kecomelan disini..~:)

sempoi ja bt open stage..n thank GOD weather pon xbt hal ari tuh...angin pon xdak la sejuk sgt...
but..for me...
the best part is im with somebody very special to me...thanks bestie~!!
dia willing dtg Welly...selepas penat aku pjuk...haha...
at least la kn~!!
i have a great weekend with him..even xdak bt pape pon..
just g tgk market tuh n lepak2 ja...
tipu kot~!!
aku g tgk alice in wonderland..3D...
mahai gak...bukan! mahai nk mampoih~!
tp ok wut...bukan senang nk bt cta 3D kn...huhu..
alamak...byk plak merepek...
pape je la...
but i really enjoy this weekend...thanks kamu...! hehe..
jom bt keja skolah sume...
semoga berjaya yerk...to alls~
p/s: thanks for creating a big smile on my face...after all...
p/ss: thanks for being such a good brother for me when I really need someone to depends on~
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